SUBCONSCIOUS:All past lives have been recorded in this memory


 The Subconscious is the memory of the Synideito (Conscious) of every
Ellania consciousness that is incarnated within the Ellania
Cosmokratoria of our Ellanios Cosmos 600.
As many times as this Ellania consciousness has been incarnated,
absolutely everything is recorded in this memory: from the time that
this consciousness was born and every one of its incarnations.
Everything is recorded with complete, absolute and true precision.
This includes anything that the consciousness has lived and
experienced, all the code incarnations and all the bios. However, this
includes only those that it has lived and not the ones that it will live;
namely everything that it has experienced since the beginning of its
creation and birth. All the Sub-consciouses are recorded in every
universal memory which they belong to, have lived in or currently liveand 

experience within.

Within every universe of our Ellanios Cosmos, all the Ellania
consciousnesses have their own Sub-consciouses, where all the Sub-
consciouses are recorded in the universal memory which they live and experience.
The Ellania consciousnesses are incarnated and are able — according
to their ascensional creative acts and creation — to be incarnated
within different Ellania planets, different solar systems, different
Ellania galaxies as well as different Ellania universes; anywhere the
“Divine Design” of Ellania Creation of the Cosmokratoria needs this
incarnation of every Ellania consciousness.
Thus, cosmic-Moira basically defines that every consciousness has a
different and unique Subconscious and record. However, absolutely

everything is recorded within universal memory and when the Ellania

consciousness changes universe or universes, then the cosmic-
memory and the Cosmic-subconscious take over.

Note: To learn more about Moira (singular) or Moirai (plural), you may read the Sacred Ellanio Text of SIRIUS.
It is a great truth that no one and nothing can hide from the ranks,
places, sections, parts and components of one’s creation.
Every thought, anything you are thinking, anything you do in secret or
in the open with deception, lies or anything apostate — but above all
— with Ellania creative Free-Will and willpower, absolutely everything
is recorded into your Subconscious.
Therefore, you cannot hide from your own self and when you know
this in advance, then absolutely everything is recorded into your
Subconscious and into universal memory.
This means that everybody knows and those who need to know –
know. Whoever can and wants to learn about you, it is very simple for
somebody who hasfree access into universal memory and its archives.
They will be able to see your archives and go as far back as they want
or is permitted for them to see. They will be able to see your origin as
well as all your actions, including when you didn’t act but should have.
Therefore, if all Ellene humans knew and acknowledged their
Subconscious — and more importantly — that they cannot hide from
their own selves and that their own self records everything, they will
realise that what they do is unjust to themselves. It is unjust to their
existence and to their entire Ellania Creation to hide alleged, devious
secrets, to hide their abundance and the abundance of other humans,
to steal, constantly lie and promote devious, hidden and secret
apostate plans for the oppression of their Ellene brothers and sisters.
In realisation, all of this is recorded by the humans within their Soma
and within the part and section of their Subconscious.










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